Recycling electronics

Reclaiming natural resources from depreciated electronics is Mirec’s core activity. We collect, sort, and process electr(on)ic equipment. By utilizing a wide variety of innovative machinery and techniques, we reclaim resources on a large scale. Our many years of experience in this field are used to continuously optimize our machinery and processes.

Authority in circular e-recycling

Mirec, which originally was founded by an electronics producer, is leading in reclamation of resources from electronics. Ever since the late nineties we have been constantly improving our processes, compliancy to regulation, and our support to other organizations in reaching sustainability goals.

Sustainability is in our DNA, and that’s why Mirec is the preferred partner for a greener future.

Carefree service

We alleviate responsibilities and worries of our clients by providing our extensive services, ranging from logistical solutions to registrations and reporting.


We’re a WEEELABEX / Cenelec certified electronics recycler and a reliable partner in reclaiming natural resources.


The safety of our team and our clients is at the core of our business. We’ve achieved certification regarding our processes to ensure safety.

Terugwinnen van
waardevolle grondstoffen

We reclaim large amounts of valuable resources each year. We manage to do so using our complex processing facility that contains an extensive set and combination of shredders and separation machinery, operated by our capable specialists.

Sorting and recycling of various materials requires a specialized facility, especially when it concerns complex material blends such as those found in electronics. Electronics can contain harmful materials that need to be removed carefully. We’re constantly researching and discovering innovative, more efficient, and better processing procedures. Our recycling and reuse percentages comply with the requirements as stated in the WEEE directive.

Said percentages are carefully calculated with strict protocols and are verifiable at all times. By doing this, we define the norm for the entire chain of processing and recycling of electr(on)ic equipment.

Steel, aluminum, plastics and precious metals

We recycle 25,000 tons of electronics annually, from which we reclaim large amounts of valuable resources such as steel, aluminum, plastics and precious metals. This approach helps retention of existing natural resources and decreases the need for new ones. This results in energy savings and significantly reduces the CO2 emissions.

Disposal under surveillance

When data carriers are not reused, we arrange physical disposal of the carriers. We use ultra modern processing lines to dispose of the equipment safely, while retaining the embedded resources.

Sustainability report

Sustainability report(s) provide insight into the recycling and recovery percentages of equipment. This data clearly shows how responsibly we have processed the discarded electronics. By making this data transparent, you can more easily justify your sustainability goals.

Zes belangrijke recycle-overwegingen voor producenten

Het vernietigen van elektronica in overeenstemming met productgaranties en wettelijke voorschriften is een belangrijk aspect van producentenverantwoordelijkheid en duurzaam afvalbeheer. Hier zijn 6 belangrijke punten om te overwegen:


fabrikanten bieden vaak productgaranties. Dit biedt bescherming aan de consument tegen defecten met recht op reparatie, vervanging of terugbetaling.

Milieuvriendelijke vernietiging

Veilige afvoer van schadelijke stoffen en recycling van waardevolle materialen.

Herstelbare onderdelen

Stimuleren van circulaire economie door het behouden van herbruikbare onderdelen uit defecte elektronica.

Compliance met wet- en regelgeving

Voldoen aan regionale regelgeving voor afvalbeheer, recycling en milieuvriendelijke vernietiging van elektronica.

Transparantie en rapportage

Als producent kun je aangemoedigd worden om afvalbeheerpraktijken en rapportage over vernietiging te delen.

Circulaire economie overwegingen

Streven naar productontwerp dat reparatie, hergebruik en recycling bevordert, vermindert de noodzaak van vernietiging en verlengt de levensduur van producten.

Producenten moeten zich bewust zijn van hun verantwoordelijkheden en streven naar duurzame praktijken bij de behandeling van afgedankte elektronica. Het verminderen van afval, het maximaliseren van het hergebruik van materialen en het voldoen aan milieunormen zijn allemaal belangrijke overwegingen.

The processing of electrical and electronic devices: how does it work?

The processing of electrical and electronic equipment consists of four steps:

Step 1: collecting equipment

We collect electrical equipment, ranging from small quantities to bulk. This equipment often comes from end users who want to renew their IT infrastructure and get rid of their old equipment. Our logistics solutions then streamline this process.

Step 2: reusing equipment

In consultation with the customer, we thoroughly test and select the incoming IT equipment before it is used for reuse. By reusing equipment, its lifespan is extended.

Step 3: recycling equipment

When reuse is not feasible, we switch to recycling, where we process and destroy electrical equipment in a responsible manner.

Step 4: recovering valuable raw materials

The result includes recovered metals, plastics and other materials, ready to be used again as raw materials.

Bespoke logistical solutions

Our offering exceeds just recycling and processing of electr(on)ic equipment and devices. We offer customized logistical solutions. We take care of carefree and safe transport of your IT assets, both to and from your organization. 

In our logistical solutions we account for the wide variety of regional, national, and international logistical requirements. The shipments we make have a high standard of safety and vary from single units of equipment to shipping containers full of it.

Disassembling expertly

We provide a seamless disassembly of your electr(on)ic equipment. Our team of specialists process the equipment in an efficient and professional manner. We want you to focus on business operations while we dismantle and disassemble the equipment carefully and responsibly.

Secured and sealed transport

We handle the transport of IT equipment with specially designed containers to transport the equipment safely and efficiently. Our containers are designed, for instance, to handle shocks and impacts gracefully during transport – this reduces the risk of damage during transport greatly. We also offer secured transport as an extra safety measure.

Our certificates

Maak stappen richting een
Net Zero organisatie


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